Water Softening
Water Softening is the process of removing the hardness in water caused by Calcium Manganese salts and exchanging them with Sodium salts, which do not deposit scale. To obtain the exchange, the water flows through a bed of resin that has been previously charged with Sodium Chloride (table salt).
The Cullex Culligan exchange resin is suitable for contact with food and has a high exchange capacity, and low consumption of salt.
The closely controlled resin bead size minimizes the pressure loss.
All Culligan softeners are completely automatic and the different working phases (service, backwash, and regeneration) are controlled by an electro–mechanical or electronic control board, that activates a valve or a group of valves, depending on the model.
The automatic phases may also be controlled by a metering device (optional) that actuates the regeneration phase according to the quantity of water dispensed.
In the “Duplex version,” the stand-by softener is automatically connected to service when the first softener exhausts its exchange capacity, allowing it to regenerate, while the combined unit provides a continuous flow of softened water.
This is deployed where softened water is required 24 hours, making it more efficient than its single tank counterpart.
Advanced Electronics
This allows for features such as;
- Remote display and control
- Smart brine tank probe
- Telemetry options
- Historical operating data
- Alarm status.
Softener Applications
- Hot and cold water services
- Steam boiler makeup
- Cooling & humidifier systems make up
- Process water
- Reverse osmosis pre-treatment
- Professional kitchens
- Hotels
- Car wash
- Chicken and animal breeding
- Restaurants
- Food, ceramic, pharmaceutical, and textile industries
Markets Served
- Industrial and commercial
- Leisure
- Laundry
- Food and beverage
- Car wash
- Manufacturing
- Apartment buildings and hotels
- Restaurants
- Etc